Selborne Weekly Tribune

Friday, 3rd January 2025.

In This Issue:
1. Teeing Off: January Golfing Events!
2. Pro Tips: Reading The Grain!
3. Tournament Results: Players That Rose To The Top!
4. Golf Rules & Handicapping: Rules / Course Knowledge Episode 20

Teeing Off: Welcome to the Weekly Tribune!

Dear Member,
Who would have thought we would already be in 2025? It’s incredible how time flies, and we wish you all the best for the New Year! May it be filled with great moments both on and off the golf course.

January Calendar of Events
We’ve lined up an exciting array of events this month, and we hope you can join us for as many as possible. Whether you’re playing, spectating, or simply enjoying the clubhouse atmosphere, there’s something for everyone. Please check our website or noticeboards for the full schedule.

Selborne Cup Reminder
For those who have entered the Selborne Cup, please note that the first round must be completed by the end of January. Be sure to schedule your matches soon to avoid any last-minute rush!

Selborne Cup Reminder
For those who have entered the Selborne Cup, please note that the first round must be completed by the end of January. Be sure to schedule your matches soon to avoid any last-minute rush!

Course Etiquette: Let’s Keep Selborne Beautiful
As we move out of the festive season, it’s clear that some visitors to our beautiful estate may not always take the time to repair pitch marks or fill divots. As members, we urge you to lead by example and help maintain the condition of our magnificent course. A small effort in repairing the occasional pitch mark or divot can make a huge difference.

Upcoming Highlight: SA Open Pre-Qualifier
We’re thrilled to announce that Selborne will host one of the SA Open Pre-Qualifiers on the 24th and 25th of February. Spectators are welcome, so be sure to pop by and witness the incredible talent these players bring to the game. It promises to be a fantastic showcase of skill and sportsmanship.

Swing More, Win Big!

The Eclectic Competition Winners will be rewarded with an incredible prize: FREE membership and UNLIMITED golf for the 2025-2026 membership calendar year.

How does it work? All scores will be taken from individual club competitions, so every round you play counts. The key to success? Keep swinging! The more you play, the greater your chances of claiming this coveted reward.

Pro Tips: Mastering Your Swing

Reading the Grain: Insights for Better Putting

I recently came across a fascinating article in Golf Digest, written by Joe Plecker and Luke Kerr- Dineen, that sheds light on the often-overlooked skill of reading the grain of the grass. Their
insights provide valuable tips on what to look for and how to manage expectations when putting.

As the bent grass continues to thrive on our greens, the speed of the greens tends to increase. Understanding which way the grain of the grass grows and how it affects your putt can significantly enhance your putting performance. By learning to read the grain, you’ll be better equipped to make more putts or, at the very least, leave your first putt much closer to the hole. This, in turn, reduces the stress of the dreaded three-putt.

For golfers looking to improve their short game, this knowledge can be a game-changer. The next time you’re on the green, take a moment to observe the direction of the grain and factor it into your approach. With practice, you’ll find it easier to adjust your aim and speed, turning challenging greens into manageable

Mastering this subtle aspect of putting is just another step towards refining your game and enjoying more success on the course.

Selborne Cup Reminder
For those who have entered the Selborne Cup, please note that the first round must be completed by the end of January. Be sure to schedule your matches soon to avoid any last-minute rush!

How To Read Grain
Step #1: Find Grassy Side

The basics are that the tips of the grass are pointed in a specific direction, which influences the ball as it rolls. If the grain is pointing toward you’re ball, it will be a little slow; if it’s pointing away from your ball, it will be quicker. If you’re ever confused about grain, the first thing you should do is look at the golf hole itself. On greens where grain plays a heavy role, you’ll see there’s a grassy side and a dead side. I’m pointing to the grassier, smooth side here.

How To Read Grain
Step #2: Find Dead Side

The dead side of the hole will always be opposite the grassy side. The dead side is caused by the grass being chopped off at the roots. The grain points from the smooth side, towards the dead side.

How To Read Grain
Step #3: Find Slope Shading

Grain also grows down and along slopes. It’s why when you look at certain greens, they’ll often look different shades of green, that’s because of the grain. Here, I’m pouring water to illustrate the slope. This is a downhill, down-grain putt, which means it’s going to be extra fast. A putt on a green without much grain would be slightly slower.

Tournament Results: Players That Rose To The Top!

28 th November Sponsors Day Alliance, Double Points To Count On The Yellow Ball
1 st : Les Brown, Marcel Jean-Chard, Malcolm James Paul 92 Points
2 nd : Kenneth Commins, Leon Maritz, Mike Crosby, Burger Pretorius 90 Points

29 th November – Chicken Run Individual Stableford (9 Holes)
1 st : Chris Carelsen 22 Points
Eggs : Lan Yeadon 8 Points

30 th November – Founders Trophy – Betterball Stableford
1 st : Braam Stiglingh, Jacques Kruger 42 Points
2 nd : Bobby Van Der Hoff, Ted Atkins 40 Points oco
3 rd : Brendan McIntosh, Mark O’Connor 40 Points
4 th : Elson Chirindza, Julius Dlamini 39 Points
5 th : Richard Lester, Warren Keightley 37 Points oco

5 th December – Individual Stableford
1 st : Leanne Parsons 28 Points

29 th November – Chicken Run Individual Stableford (9 Holes) & Race To Royal Portrush
1 st : Attie Hollenbach 21 Points
2 nd : Gareth McIntosh 20 Points oco
3 rd : Mike Crosby 20 Points
Eggs : Jess Cleal 11 Points oco

7 th December – Monthly Mug (Medal)
Men’s Division
A. Division Best Gross – Kenneth Commins 76 Gross oco
B. Division Best Gross – Julius Dlamini 85 Gross
C. Division – Leon Van Vuuren 96
Individual Stableford – Geoff Waters 36 Points

Ladies Division
Bronze Division Best Gross –  Bernadette Briglin 92 Gross
Copper Division Best Gross –  Bryony Rodgers 109 Gross
Ladies Best Nett Overall –  Renate Van Der Hoff 76 Nett

13 th November – Chicken Run Individual Stableford (9 Holes)
1 st : Mike Crosby 17 Points
Eggs : Bob Hamil 8 Points

14 th December – Committee Cup – Individual Stableford
1 st : Brendan McIntosh 39 Points oco
2 nd : Sonja Botes 39 Points
3 rd : Chris Carelsen 38 Points
4 th : Mike Crosby 35 Points
5 th : Rene Hollenbach 33 Points oco

15 th December – Residents Cup – Greensomes
1 st : Leanne Parsons, Graham Bird 30 Points

20 th December – Turkey Run Individual Stableford (9 Holes)
1 st : Graham Bird 18 Points
Eggs: Ant Cox 8 Points

21 st December – Secret Santa Christmas Alliance Scramble Drive
1 st : Ryan Johnson, Bianca De Klerk, Dillion Rogiers, Lan Yeadon 103 Points
2 nd : Hartwieg Du Rand , Brendan McIntosh, Gustav Du Rand, Ferdi 101 Points oco
3 rd : Darryl Herman, Jacques Kruger, Braam Stiglingh, Chad Holm 101 Points
4 th : Renate Van Der Hoff, Bobby Van Der Hoff, Trevor Jackson, Liam Jackson 97 Points
5 th : Kobus Van Der Walt, Pierre Zone, Drikus Van Der Walt, Shaun Coetzee 96 Points
6 th : Kevin Mcintosh, Bob Hamill, Chrisi Carelsen, Brian Pereira 95 Points

7 th : Sue O’Connor, Clive Chambler, Lilly Waters, Geoff Waters 91 Points oco
8 th : Keith Brooking, Roland Tickle, Mike Eley, Tom Hendren 91 Points

27 th December – Chicken Run Individual Stableford (9 Holes)
1 st : Mike Crosby 19 Points
Eggs: Wayne Morton 7 Points

28 th December – Texas Scramble Alliance
1 st : Keith Brooking, Roland Tickle, Mike Eley, Tom Hendren 53 Nett
2 nd : Geoff Waters, Lilly Waters, Chris Carelsen, Brian Pereira 55 Nett
3 rd : William Dowsett, Jack Cubitt, Jack Standton, Tyron Pontes 56 Nett

Golf Rules & Handicapping:
Make The Rules Work For You

Rules/Course Knowledge Episode 20! In this episode, we cover part 2 of the important aspect of what to do if the player’s ball in motion hits a person, animal, equipment or anything else on the course. This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions. “When I was putting on the green, my ball hit …….. What
do I do now?”

Continuation of Rule 11.1b
(2) When Ball Is Played from Putting Green. If a player’s ball in motion played from the putting green accidentally hits the player or an outside influence, the ball must normally be played as it lies. But if it is known or virtually certain that the ball in motion hit any of the following on the putting green, the player must replay the stroke by playing the original ball or another ball from the spot where that stroke was made (see Rule 14.6):

  • Any person other than:
    o the player (remember a player includes cadie & their partner), or
    o a person attending the flagstick (this is covered by Rule 13.2b(2), not by this Rule).
  • A movable obstruction other than:
    o the club used to make the stroke,
    o a ball-marker,
    o a ball at rest (see Rule 11.1a for whether a penalty applies in stroke play), or
    o a flagstick (this is covered by Rule 13.2b(2), not by this Rule).
  • An animal other than those defined as a loose impediment (such as an insect).

If the player replays the stroke but does so from a wrong place (you must put the ball back where you originally played from), they get the general penalty under Rule 14.7. If the player does not replay the stroke they get the general penalty and the stroke counts, but the player has not played from a wrong place so they don’t get that penalty as well.

11.2 Ball in Motion Deliberately Deflected or Stopped by Person
This Rule applies only when it is known or virtually certain that a player’s ball in motion was deliberately deflected or stopped by a person, which is when:

  • A person deliberately touches the ball in motion, or
  • The ball in motion hits any equipment or other object (except a ball-marker or another ball at rest before the ball was played or otherwise went into motion) or any person (such as the player’s caddie) that a player deliberately positioned or left in a particular location so that the equipment, object or person might deflect or stop the ball in motion.

Exception – Ball Deliberately Deflected or Stopped in Match Play When No Reasonable Chance It Can Be Holed: An opponent’s ball in motion that is deliberately deflected or stopped at a time when there is no reasonable chance it can be holed, and when done either as a concession or when the ball needed to be holed to tie the hole, is covered by Rule 3.2a(1) or 3.2b(1), not by this Rule.
For a player’s right to have a ball or ball-marker lifted before a stroke is made if they reasonably believe the ball or ball-marker might help or interfere with play, see Rule 15.3.

When Penalty Applies to a Player

  • A player gets the general penalty if they deliberately deflect or stop any ball in motion.
  • This is true whether it is the player’s own ball or a ball played by an opponent or by another player in stroke play.

Exception – Ball Moving in Water: There is no penalty if a player lifts their ball moving in water in temporary water or in a penalty area when taking relief under Rule 16.1 or 17 (see Rule 10.1d Exception 3). See Rules 22.2 (in Foursomes, either partner may act for the side and action by the partner is treated as action of the player); 23.5 (in Four-Ball, either partner may act for the side and action by the partner concerning the player’s ball or equipment is treated as action of the player).

11.2c Place from Where Deliberately Deflected or Stopped Ball Must Be Played
If it is known or virtually certain that a player’s ball in motion was deliberately deflected or stopped by a person (whether or not the ball has been found), it must not be played as it lies. Instead, the player must take relief:
(1) Stroke Made from Anywhere Except Putting Green. The player must take relief based on the estimated
spot where the ball would have come to rest if not deflected or stopped:

  • When Ball Would Have Come to Rest Anywhere on Course Except on Putting Green. The player
    must drop the original ball or another ball in this relief area (see Rule 14.3):
    o Reference Point: The estimated spot where the ball would have come to rest.
    o Size of Relief Area Measured from Reference Point: One club-length, but with these limits:
    o Limits on Location of Relief Area:
    – Must be in the same area of the course as the reference point, and
    – Must not be nearer the hole than the reference point.
    Exception – Ball Estimated to Have Come to Rest in Penalty Area: If the estimated spot of the ball is in a penalty area, the player is not required to take relief under this Rule. Alternatively the player may directly take relief from the penalty area under Rule 17.1d based on the estimated point the ball would have last crossed the edge of the penalty area.
  • When Ball Would Have Come to Rest on Putting Green. The player must place the original ball or another ball on the estimated spot where the ball would have come to rest, using the procedures for replacing a ball under Rule 14.2b(2) and 14.2e.
  • When Ball Would Have Come to Rest Out of Bounds. The player must take stroke-and-distance relief under Rule 18.2.
    Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Rule 11.2c(1): General Penalty under Rule 14.7a.(2) Stroke Made from Putting Green. The player must replay the stroke by playing the original ball or another ball from the spot where that stroke was made (see Rule 14.6).If the player replays the stroke but does so from a wrong place, they get the general penalty under Rule 14.7.If the player does not replay the stroke, they get the general penalty and the stroke counts, but the player has not played from a wrong place.

(2) Stroke Made from Putting Green.
The player must replay the stroke by playing the original ball or another ball from the spot where that stroke was made (see Rule 14.6).If the player replays the stroke but does so from a wrong place, they get the general penalty under Rule 14.7.If the player does not replay the stroke, they get the general penalty and the stroke counts, but the player has not played from a wrong place so they don’t get that penalty as well.

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